No matter where we went in China, our kids (specifically our girls) were mobbed by local citizens who wanted to take their picture. Living in Thailand, we are kind of used to this, but in China, the people always asked first and told us how beautiful, pretty, cute and even clever they were. As a parent it is always nice to hear that kind of stuff and I can't say I disagreed with the comments.

Julia and Olivia seemed to enjoy the extra attention and were only too happy to pose with a bunch of total strangers. At the Summer Palace it did seem like all the stopping and posing added at least another hour and a half to the trip.

The pictures posted here account for less than half of the ones the girls had to take. It got to a point where I had to start refusing the requests in order for us to make it out of there with enough time to see all of the sites.

I'm not sure why this guy needed such a long lens to take a picture of a three-year-old white kid from four feet away, but I'm not a professional photographer, so what do I know?

This phenomenon continued at the Forbidden City...

On the streets of Beijing...

And at the Temple of Heaven Park...

I really don't know why people would want a picture of a stranger's kids, no matter how pretty they are. After a few days I started to feel that we would have attracted less attention if we had been traveling with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie...

It got to the point where I told this guy "If you want a picture of yourself with my kids, then you're going to have to take one of me with you as well!" (I also was dying to get some shots of myself carrying my wife's luggage-sized handbag).

By the time we got to Xi'an (more about that later), I think Julia and Olivia were getting tired of acting cute and saying "cheese!"

I really wasn't bothered by all of the photo opportunities that were bestowed on us. The people that requested them were not rude and seemed sincere. In fact, I hope they're all enjoying their photos of my kids right now!
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